insert a confession: i loath stuffed animals. i am not sure why, but when i look at them all i can see is huge fur balls filled with dust mites. they creep me out. i know, i need therapy.
as i sorted and organized all of the baby doll accessories, i assigned ellie the task of going through a huge basket of stuffed animals and baby dolls. i thought about giving her a number of items that i wanted her to select to weed out, but decided against it. truth be told, i was hopeful that she would weed out lots of them.
we worked side by side and engaged in some good momma daughter chat. my back was slightly turned to her, so i couldn't see exactly what she was doing, but i kept seeing the contents of the basket decreasing. i was pleased with her commitment to the project. after a little bit she declared that she was finished. i turned to assess her piles and this is what i found:
items to keep...

hmm. it looked pretty large. in fact, it looked like the entire basket. looking at the empty bag that i had given her, i asked her where she had placed the items she was ready to donate. she pointed to a bin in the corner.
items to discard:

the second item in the bin is my koosah. you may recall that during the cabbage patch craze of the 80's, the koosah was also high in popular demand, made also my xavier roberts.
can you believe it? she wanted to dump her own momma's prize childhood possessions! what's next? my heart broke a little bit and i must confess, you might find one or both of them hidden under my bed for the next few weeks. somebody has got to protect them!
I too am attempting to weed out toys in the playroom...what a pain in the tail! I also hate stuffed animals! So many germs!
There is a girl who knows what she wants!! :) Love u!!
Tasha...all mamas hate stuffed animals. They are mite hotels and huge space piggies. The trick is to weed things out when the little darlings are sleeping. If you are worried about accidentally donating a cherished favorite you can use the safety clear out method: tuck the stuff away for a week or two and if neither of your babies notices the toys are gone... haul it off to Good Will under the cloak of night lickity-split.
so im just catching up on some of your posts. this one has me absolutely CRACKING UP right now tasha! love the items to discard picture more than words can say.
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