
3 months

wasn't it just six minutes ago that my babe was wrapped like a burrito and snoozing all day long? where did the time go and how did three months manage to zip by so fast? and how did you go from looking like this...

and this...

to looking like THIS? (that same statement could be applied to either babe in the photo, so apply it as you wish.)

i know we've been busy, but really! the time has FLOWN by. my sweet p is changing way to fast. her current achievements have been smiling, laughing, holding her sweet head up in an effort to see EVERYTHING that is going on around her, cooing at her momma with a sweet little voice, rolling from her belly onto her back and doing long division. ok, so maybe not long division, but the rest is totally true.

at three months, she has grown out of 0-3 and is wearing 3-6 month clothing. she weighs in at 13lbs. 3 oz.- ya know, petite. she is showing signs of outgrowing her "colic" stage and doesn't need to be held as much during the day (and by "as much" i mean momma can put her down for a few minutes here and there). as far as naps go, miss p is starting to flesh out a little schedule. she sleeps for a little in the morning and a little in the afternoon. she's having a rough time falling into a schedule because we are on the go so much with e's school drop off/pick up, but it's getting better. and while our days are getting better, nights are kind of going in the opposite direction. fortunately for this momma, she sleeps a lot during the night. the down side is that she does it in our bed, in my arms. and if i'm totally honest, i don't really mind.
i'm just trying to savour these days because i know we are very fortunate to have our three wonderful babes. and i know that the time is going to fly.

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