
rest cont'd

and to say we did nothing, well that's not really accurate. but we did do a whole lotta relaxin'!

we went peach picking to a nearby orchard.

we hung out with some really good friends.

we laid on the beach. if you can believe it, right before i took this picture, i actually laid on the blanket with my hubby for almost 7 uninterrupted minutes of sunning and stillness! it was heavenly.

we caught up on a little reading. (scott resents me taking this picture because he said it made it look like he did this often. he wanted me to note that he sat doing this for approximately 5 minutes on one day. the rest of his reading took place after the girls went to bed:)
we built sand castles.

we ate lots of really yummy food... and well, others of us ate rocks:)

and had a really wonderful time together as a family!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

How fun!!!! Love that rock eating pic!!! What a family!! s