
i scream, you scream

we have several ice cream trucks that have been traveling through our neighborhood recently. e hears the music and gets really excited, in spite of the fact that she doesn't always love ice cream. last weekend scott took her to the park and told her they would get ice cream if they happened to hear/see the truck. unfortunately, they didn't run into him. e was sad and disappointed.

for the next few days it was rainy, so all was silent on the ice cream front. friday afternoon, the tides changed. i was in the living room and heard the magic music. being a woman that rarely carries cash, i knew i had to act and think fast. suddenly, i remembered that i had $2 on my dresser upstairs. i dashed to retrieve it before calling for e as i didn't want to get her hopes up (in the event that we missed the truck). e heard the music as i was dashing down the stairs waiving my money. together we headed out the front door (abandoning poor d in the house). we took off down the street and found him at the corner. after analyzing his stock, e settled on a popsicle. she was a bit intimidated, but paid the vendor and walked off happily with her treat.

i would also like to report two things.

1. somehow, in the midst of the furry, i remembered to grab my camera that was sitting right by the front door.

2. e never ate the popsicle. she put it in a bowl and let the poor thing melt. i kept telling her this would happen and tried to encourage her to eat it, but e is e and wouldn't budge.

1 comment:

Busy Mama said...

Bren often does the very same thing! He does get excited to hear the truck and is now getting little Annie ready for the whole thing!