
a little laugh at our expense

some funny snippets from our house as of late...

d is really into fresh fruit. with her limited chewing ability (6 front teeth don't break down much), i've been trying to scour the supermarket for find some variety in her fruit course. this week, i picked up some kiwi. ellie, ever the picky eater, has not seen a kiwi in our shopping basket in years. she was riding in the back of the cart trying to keep her body from coming into contact with the rough, brown fruit. as we turned a corner she yelled out (totally serious and very concerned), "mom, get the bikini! it is falling on me!"

(maybe less funny and more gross): our little d, who has had an obsession with toes for some time as turned her obsession in a new direction. now our little girl wanders the house in search of the toes belonging to other people. e, always up for a good laugh, like to dangle her little tootsies in front of d's face in hopes of getting a nibble. d, usually up for taking the bait, spends more time than this momma would like, with e's toes on their way into her mouth.

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