
mccain is a pain and a momma not sure about obama

earlier today i published a post about my current state of being (not good) and how listening to a wonderful song (only hope by caedmon's call) helped me see the light. after publishing the post, i was disappointed in my inability to upload a video from you tube. i called my sister and asked her to walk me through the process. i am certain that she knew what she was talking about and i am also certain that i am a technological misfit. in spite of her attempts to teach me, i somehow deleted the entire posting. i couldn't go back and re-write it. it was hard enough to write the first time. and so instead, you get this...

i have not posted on the presidential election. because of this, it would be easy to conclude that i am not politically minded or interested in the election. the truth is the exact opposite. i have been engrossed in politics since i was in high-school. as far as this current election is concerned, i have not missed a single debate, going all the way back to the primary debates. in addition, i have a news tv obsession that could land me in therapy. i am obsessed with this presidential election.

recently, a friend of mine posted a face book status update about how her obama signs keep disappearing from her front lawn. during the same weekend, my mother-in-law reported that her mccain signs are walking off during the night. i joked about it and said i was going to vote based on the candidate whose signs i saw the most. and then i thought about that statement.

it has been bouncing back and forth between my ears for a few weeks. i am left with the question of, "what purpose do these signs have in the first place?". i mean really, in an age where most of the population is trying to save our little planet and preserve our natural resources for future generations, do we really need the signs. aren't they just one short step away from the landfill that doesn't have any more room? does seeing that your neighbor is voting one way really have an impact on how YOU will vote? in fact, it is rather divisive. i like my neighbors just fine. since we moved in almost two years ago, i thought we were very like minded. until i saw their lawn become cluttered with signs supporting this guy, that guy, and that other guy running for office. suddenly, i have a few question marks raised in my mind about them.

ultimately, it is pure waste. environmentally damaging waste to be precise. i don't think that they impact the race in any way. and while i am certain that there is some pole published that would prove me wrong, i don't really care how a stranger down the street is voting. isn't that why we pay for the little curtain around the voting booth? it is a personal matter. and while i am very open to public discussion of why one might vote for one candidate over another, the signs eliminate the discussion.

i was thinking about a solution- maybe we attach a little recording device to the signs where the poster records a 45 second clip on why they support the particular candidate. that, i could get behind. that would maybe have impact. but the signs alone, well, i am hereby declaring that i am anti candidate signs.

and while i am on the topic of the presidential election, i would like to say that i am a little miffed. as mentioned earlier, i watched every debate intently and have done so for years. this is the first year that i can recall not hearing more details on a variety of topics. i know that a responsible voter will do their homework, but let's be honest, not everyone falls into that category. what has happened to topics like education, immigration, plans for farmers, state accountability, plans to truly balance the budget... the list goes on. some of those things were asked of the candidates, but most of those questions were left very unanswered. i am pretty clear on their foreign policy agenda and their tax agenda, but isn't the president responsible for so much more? i am a few short weeks away from casting my ballot, and overall, i am still very much hungry for the real meat of each candidate's plan. go to their web sites and check it out for yourself. if you dig around long enough, you'll find answers. short answers that don't really explain much.

i'll end with one of scott's favorite movie lines...

you want answers?

i want the TRUTH!

you can't handle the TRUTH!


Unknown said...

I've been wondering how you were thinking lately! We need to talk (in general, not election specifically.) You know what I've done when I've been unimpressed w/ either candidate? Vote 3rd party--I believe to have a viable third party would dramatically increase the quality of our campaigns and elections. So when I don't feel good about the choices before me--I can always feel good about supporting the idea of a viable 3rd party--whether I like that candidate or not. Of course, this year, I think Obama is the best choice we've had in my lifetime, at least :) But you already knew that...love you!

michelle said...

tasha, thanks for sharing! i wanted to encourage you that although your previous post w/ the you tube link does not appear on your blog, i use google reader and it did come up there! weird, huh? so don't feel so bad!! (i always have to ask phil to help me w/ stuff like that) also, i LOVE that song - caedmon's call is one of my all time favorites! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a huge Obama supporter for about a 100 reasons...social issues, foreign policy issues, and even his tax plan... but I will agree with you that the debates did leave out a lot of topics...or at least glossed over them fast enough that anyone still undecided wouldn't have much to go on. I wanted to hear a lot more on education. Vouchers don't work...but what will? Obama touched on the idea of college tuition for service to the country but didn't really paint a clear picture of how it would work. (McCain actually voted down the GI Bill. Can you imagine? You can die for our country...but we won't pay your tuition.) And what happened to immigration? Unfortunately most people seem to want easy bit-sized piece of information. All that being said...I find myself really excited about Obama in a way I haven't been in years. I completely realize that all of his plans will not happen in 4 years...but I so want someone in the White House who at least wants the same things that I do, that actually respects ALL people in this country & abroad, not just the wealthy , white, Christian males. Won't it be wonderful to have an intelligent president who can actually find a country on a map without bombing it first!

Anonymous said...

Holly..I totally understand the desire to go 3rd party...but I am still emotionally scared from the Bush/Gore election. If you live in a swing state there is a lot at risk by doing that. We need to change a lot of things...like debate rules, campaign laws,etc., before a 3rd party vote will make an impact. But I agree that legitimately opening up the system would do wonders for this country.

michelle said...

i also forgot to say that i am glad i'm not the only one who thinks the lawn signs are silly! i was noticing them as we drove around in WI the past couple days and it just kinda made me laugh...i was considering tallying up how many we saw for each candidate as an informal survey. :) i didn't think of the landfill side of it but i wholeheartedly agree w/you!!!