
must buy!

if you have small children or think you may be inviting small children to live in your home in the near future i strongly encourage you to march your sweet tushy to the local bookstore and buy a copy of natural baby and childcare by Lauren Feder, M.D. i picked up a copy of this book last week and am literally reading it cover to cover (in spite of the fact that it is more of a reference book).

the book covers just about every topic that a family might encounter and gives a holistic approach to treating it. it also covers the risks of things like soy milk that we see so many families switching to as a result of allergy concerns, sun safety recommendations, healthy feeding guidelines for each age group... and on and on and on.

as a mom that has embraced holistic living since ellie burst on the scene, i have looked at and bought many books similar to this one. however, this one is the best one i've encountered thus far because it is all contained in one book and shows the simplicity and efficacy of this type of treatment.

and while this was not my reason behind raising our family this way, i should also mention that it is an incredibly eco-friendly way of living and keeps the cost of health care at a minimum.

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