
delaney's first play date

while pregnant with delaney, scott and i attended a bradley method birthing class. the class was ten weeks long and went over every nook and cranny of childbirth. we realized that it was strange to take a birthing class with your second child, but we wanted to try and have this one naturally. for ten LONG weeks, we met in a hospital conference room with four other couples for 2 1/2 hours every tuesday. the class ended a few weeks before our due date and we haven't seen any of these people since.

today was our class reunion. the instructor and all of the couples were to get together to talk about our labor experiences and meet the babies. i was really excited. i had bonded, in a way, with all of this women and i was eager to know how their births had gone. i was excited to line up all the babies and take their "class photo".

as it turned out, only the instructor and one other couple showed up. i was a little bit disappointed because i had really wanted to see the whole troop, but had a good time none-the-less. the other couple that came had used the same midwife as we had. their experience went well and we were able to swap stories, sharing the empowerment that natural birth had brought to us. their baby was incredibly adorable and has been treating her parents well. (her name is sonya and they call her sunny- i thought she was an especially sweet little girl.)

in spite of the small turnout, we did take the girls picture together. they were very cute. sunny kept falling into delaney and delaney was pretty fascinated with this other "just her size" girl. they checked each other out and then were content snuggling together while we snapped away.

and just an update on d- she is such a sweet babe. she loves to watch ellie doing anything and is a very content and smiley girl. she is bringing an immense amount of joy to our lives.

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