
let's get ready to rumble

on friday morning scott emailed me to say he had been given four tickets to see arena football and wanted to know if i was interested in going.
me: what is arena football?

scott: you know, football on a smaller field.

me: humph.

scott: let's go. it will be fun. ellie will love it.

me: sure, why not.

on sunday afternoon we experienced arena football for the first time. it was an interesting experience. as soon as we sat down ellie decided that she wanted some popcorn. scott gets up and comes back with popcorn and a pretzel. ellie is content eating her popcorn. she also indulges in some pretzel.

e: daddy, this is just like the movies!

a few minutes later ellie decides that she is thirsty. scott is up and off again. he returns a few minutes later with a pink-lemonade and a hot dog. ellie's eyes light up. a hot dog! (i had a sneaky suspicion that the hot dog had been intended for scott.) ellie proceeds to eat most of the hot dog and wash it down with her pink-lemonade. again, she is content. after she finishes, she does a little clapping. she didn't really know why, but hey, everyone else was doing it and it looked like fun. at this point scott leans over to tell me that the opposing team is philadelphia. i'll be honest with you and tell you that i didn't know. the whole scene was pretty overwhelming. i hadn't gotten around to looking at the scoreboard yet. i was too busy being a "snack assistant" for ellie. a little time passed (by little i mean 3-5 minutes) and then ellie declared she had to go potty. after a trip to the bathroom, ellie declares that she would like another snack. i produced some miss kitty gummy snacks from my bag. scott goes off again in search of some t-shirts to give as a thank-you for the guy that gave us the tickets. e begins to fidget. she starts scoping out the various snacks that the people around us are eating, but doesn't find anything that really appeals to her. scott comes back empty handed- they have run out of shirts in the size he needs (we look around and discover it is because EVERY kid in the stadium has suckered their parents into buying shirts). at this point, ellie declares that she is ready to go. and back to the car we go.

in a nutshell, arena football was a snacking marathon for ellie, quite a workout for scott and a celebrity citing for me (bon jovi was at the game). note to future boyfriends of e's: she's not a cheap date! thank God for free tickets:)

btw- my father informed me that chicago (49) lost to philadelphia (60). he also confirmed that bon jovi was there b/c he owns the philadelphia team.

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