

i've been reading a lot of blogs lately and finding myself fascinated with the various types of commentary out there. i have one friend who is a photographer, another a student, another a home based business owner, and the list goes on. each of them (and many others) are blogging their way through life, stopping periodically throughout the week to pause. in this pause they are taking time to reflect and share bits of themselves with their audience. i like what i learn about these people. i like the honesty that comes through and the unexpected glimpses that their postings reveal. and although they choose what they will post, for me the reader, it often feels like i'm peeking in their window. and so i invite you to peek in my window, see into my writings and share in my life and the life of my family.

as i contemplated starting my own blog, i contemplated point of view. (i've been watching a lot of project runway and tim gund keeps asking the designers about this.) for me it is sort of muddy- i can't really articulate it and so i'll say this. my point of view is what i can see from where i am standing right now at this moment in time. and each day, i happen to stand in different spots.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Tasha. Looking forward to seeing your blog develop. Even if you have limited time, it's a great way to maximize technology to the fullest, and share with family and friends.

Our dogs, Chewie and Otis go berserk whenever they see deer. In fact, a fawn was birthed on our lawn up in the Berkshires and our dogs tried to run up and play with the scared lil Bambi. It was quite a site. Hope you and the whole family are well. Looking forward to following the blog.
Go Orange.
Love Chris