
Do kola

we spent easter weekend in michigan visiting scott's mom. she had a wonderful lunch on saturday and some of his extended family came over. one of the highlights was seeing his grandparents. they are amazing people! they are getting older and this winter has been quite hard on them. scott and i cherish every visit with them and marvel at the way in which they have aged so gracefully. in spite of some health issues they are always cheerful and upbeat. they are also sharp as tacks. both of them are immigrants from eastern europe and they always share stories from their past with us. these moments are so special to us. we love hearing about their lives and having them retell their history to us.

delaney's middle name is mildred after scott's grandmother. it was sweet to see delaney and grandma millie meet for the first time. you could tell she was delighted to have her name passed on to one of her great granddaughters.

great grandma always brings us bags of special little trinkets- things that she has been saving to pass on to someone who will appreciate them. this trip was no different. she gave them coloring books, teddy bears, porcelain dolls etc. the highlight of the treats was a book called do kola. it means circle in czech. it is a book of rhymes for young children. grandma wanted to read some of the rhymes to ellie and to explain the book to her.

great grandpa sat on one side, ellie in the middle, and great-grandma on the other side. she read through several of the rhymes. since they are in czech, ellie didn't understand them. great-grandma would stop and explain what the words meant and point out little things in the pictures. ellie was a star. she would try and repeat the words after great-grandma would say them to her. she learned the word for mouse (mys) and goat (koza), and she would laugh at the sound of the rhyming words. she soaked it up and really enjoyed the experience. when we got home on sunday night she was picking out a story for scott to read to her she requested do kula.

as a parent, this is one of those experiences that you hope stays etched in your little ones mind. i don't know how long we'll have the great grandparents around. i hope for many years to come. i also hope that ellie is able to look back years from now and remember this moment- to hear great grandma reading to her in her rich accent. to be able to recall the joy that this moment brought to everyone in the room and to know the value of her heritage.

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