
2 months

somehow poppy went and turned 2 months old. i know we have been burning the candle at both ends, but really, where did the time go?

at two months:

**poppy sleeps from 10ish until 4ish, wakes once to eat and then sleeps until morning.

**has begun to enjoy bath time and daddy.

**is needing to be held a little bit less. although she still prefers for momma to hold her, she also spends a little bit of time each day on her play mat (and tries to eat the dangling ladybug toy) and a little time in her bouncy chair.

**is still on a three hour cycle throughout the daytime hours, but her alert time after eating is lasting a little bit longer. she loves to see what is going on with her sisters and gets upset if she is placed in a position where she can't see the action.

**has some serious head control. although it still "bobbles" she is always picking up her head in an effort to view what is happening.

**poppy is adored by both of her sisters. when d wakes up in the morning and from nap, the first thing she does is find little sister. ellie usually drops in a few times a day for her "poppy time". she coos over her sister, tells her sister how cute she is and rubs her soft head.

**she has almost outgrown all of her 0-3 month clothing and is about to transition to 3-6 months. she is still wearing a size 2 diaper.

the above video was taken today. it is special for several reasons: first, because it is video of poppy being poppy. sweet, gentle and every bit precious. second, because today our second moving truck arrived containing her swing. she is cooing at butterfly-bear who she has not seen for the past three weeks. third, because today daddy fixed my computer allowing me to FINALLY download pictures. I promise, lots of posts coming soon.

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