
mission... accomplished?

a funny little story about my transition to motherhood times three:

so this week we needed groceries. up until now, scott has either made the grocery run or i've done it with just one or two kiddos. the thought of three terrified me, but you reach a point where the need outweighs the fear. we were at that point and so off to the grocery store we went.

getting out the door with three can be tiring enough, but on this particular day we all made it into the seat belts without crying, loosing a shoe, pinching a finger (you get the point). we made it to the store, through the parking lot, into the cart (though cramped with a toddler in the back and the baby seat in the front and another one pulling on the side). we made it through the produce department... you get the point. "made it" suggests that we just survived... but it was actually an enjoyable experience. nobody was crying, nobody was throwing stuff into the cart, nobody was demanding snacks. it was pure glory all the way into the checkout line.

as we checked out, i chatted it up with the cashier who hadn't seen me since having the baby. another checkout lady came over and gave the girls stickers. we loaded up the cart with our bags and at that moment i gave a sigh of relief. i suddenly realized that we made it- without abandoning the cart and heading for the door mid-trip, without mommy hyperventilating, without meltdown from the girls. i gave the d and e high-fives and celebrated our accomplishment while walking out the door to head home.

as i walked through the parking lot i suddenly heard, "miss, ma'am, miss!". i turned around to see the checkout girl flagging me down.


"um, ma'am, you forgot to pay for your groceries."


sarah said...

Oh Tasha! That is hilarious!!!

Farm-Raised said...

Oh my. Thanks for fessing up. I laughed out loud!!

Busy Mama said...

So funny!! I too am trying to figure out how I'm going to survive with 3....