

two weeks ago i started a post to highlight my p-nut at one month. somehow, the post got lost in the shuffle. more likely, the post wasn't completed because this little one really likes to be held... a lot. and while i am loving the cuddles, it leaves my arms less free for things like blogging, packing, cooking, cleaning, showering... not that i am complaining... because i am not. it has actually been good- in our current hustle and bustle this one could easily get less attention than she deserves, but because of her love of all things mommy, that isn't happening.

at one month poppy is:
- eating and sleeping on a three hour schedule through the day (eat, wakeful period, sleep)

- going down to bed at 10:30 and sleeping for a 5-6 hour stretch (gasp! momma is thrilled with this amount of sleep and can't believe how wonderful it is to feel somewhat human with such a new baby in the house)

-starting to respond to the voices of her sisters and daddy. she hears them coming and turns her head wanting to be in on the action.

- has a fussy period each night before bed. daddy likes to take her on walks during this time because the fresh air tends to calm her down more quickly than other methods.

- she weighs 12 lbs. and wears size 2 diapers

- she took her first road trip to michigan to meet great-grandma and great-grandpa, aunt merritt and uncle jon. she was such a wonderful traveler and slept for most of the 5 hour drive.

- she also really likes momma. most of the time, i am the only one that will do. she rarely lets other people hold her and wants to be as close to the milk as humanly possible. she spends a lot of time snuggled in the baby sling.

- she really does not like bath time. she cries from start to finish and then passes out in exhaustion (from all the screaming) as soon as she is in her fresh warm pj's.

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