
outstretched hands

i have this picture sitting on a table in my family room. i look at it often and think of what a great father scott is. he is gentle, kind, patient. he is so many things that i am not. and when e is with him, she feels safe. she knows that he adores her and that he will protect her at all costs.

on friday evening at the conference this weekend, one of the speakers spoke about walking with God. she suggested that each day, when you wake up, that you make a choice to reach out your hand to Jesus and to ask Him where He wanted you to walk with Him today.
it made me think of the picture of e taking her daddy's hand.
and in the extension of your arm to heaven, God will meet you. He will lead you through your day and offer you the safety of never having to go it alone. you don't need your tom-tom, He'll be the great navigator.
and so on saturday morning, as we were headed back to the conference, we took the picture you see below. each of us making a choice to extend our hand out to The Father and let Him reach down and carry us for the day.

1 comment:

bltbb said...

Tasha you have no idea how much I enjoy your writing. You are truly inspirational in the way you express your thoughts. I can hear your every word and sometimes even feel your feelings. I don't know how you do this to me, but you do and I truly love it. I just thought you should know.
Love, Smom