

the first piece of evidence that i would like to present is the photo above. (i scanned it from e's scrapbook page.) i'd like you to meet libby rabbit. libby was my first baby. i bought her when i was teaching at kipp. during independent reading, and for most of the day, libby would have free reign of my classroom. mostly, she liked to eat books. the kids would find a cozy spot to relax and read. and while they read, libby would hop around the room visiting the kids. i loved libby rabbit. she ate my overhead projector power cord, nibbled on my prada handbag, took chunks out of my favorite books, and escaped down the hall a few times too many. but i loved her. the purpose of this evidence is to emphasize the fact that i love rabbits.

i even loved this bunny rabbit. he has lived under my neighbor's porch for the past year. anytime i have extra carrots, e and i leave them for him in our yard. the second piece of evidence that i would like to present suggests that he has been eating more than my extra carrots.

these are my recently ingested heads of lettuce. i would like to report that they were delicious- crisp, not bitter, enhanced by a little balsamic vinaigrette. but since i didn't ingest them, i can't make that report. you'll have to ask the rabbit. he ate all the heads of lettuce in my small plot of land... and the tops of all my beans, and my herbs and the tops of all my peas. i spent today digging out all of my freshly eaten plants, sowing new seeds, and attaching a fence. call me naive, but i really thought that my bunny friends would know that i had a history with rabbits and that they would be kind to me. and now, the poor hungry bunnies can watch my new garden grow from the other side of the fence.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Had to laugh at this post. We recently fenced in our whole backyard because of rabbit damage...would you believe they recently started jumping the fence. I have waged war on the bunnies...wanna join me in battle?