

to celebrate the 4th, my family geared up and flew to austin to visit my sister heather. heather and her family have lived in canada for most of my adult life. our opportunities to connect have been few and way too far between. since she moved back to the states a year ago, we have seen each other several times. and while i know her (she is my sister, after all) i am just now really getting to KNOW her. i am the little sister. in my eyes, she has always been beautiful- a person that i followed around and longed for relationship with. but seeing her this weekend, getting a chance to know her family, to intimately glimpse into her life, was so special. she is married to a beautiful man and has three fabulous children. and for the first time, i felt like we were able to step outside of our family dynamic and just be friends.

while there, she shared a little treasure with me. i won't write about it, but would be very willing to share if you dare to ask:) i am ever so thankful for this gift and my marriage is reaping the benefits of it already.

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