
times they are a changin'

a lot has been happening on the kiddo front around here. i've been trying to get some good pics to upload, but just haven't been able to capture the essence of ellie. she has been funny in front of the camera lately... i'll work on it.

anyways, in the past two weeks my 'lil ladybug has made some huge strides. she is now pull-up free, leaving me with just one babe in diapers! it has been amazing. forgive my story, i know in the grand scheme of things, we all end up sleeping through the night without pull-ups, but to this momma it is something to celebrate.

two weeks ago, a certain momma to go unnamed, didn't realize that we were out of pull-ups. bedtime arrived and we were without a plan. scott, being the world's #3 dad that he is (#1 in my book, baby), suggested that we do the big girl pants thing. unnamed mom above was less excited about that plan and wanted to jump in the car and head to whole foods. anyways, ellie jumped on the big girl pants idea and said she was ready. unnamed mom, more of a skeptic, prepared for the worst and geared up for lots of midnight sheet changing. daddy #3 and big girl e, thankfully, were triumphant. e has gone for two weeks without any accident and without any desire to go back to her pull-ups! hooray! i'm so proud of her!

bug #2 has also been making some big strides. in the same time span, she has gone from not being able to sit up unsupported, to crawling all over town. well, less of a crawl and more of a slither, but moving none-the-less. she has successfully located all of the ac vents on the first floor and spends a good deal of her time, deep in conversation with them. she has also started some babble that contains her first consonant sounds... babababa, and occasionally, mamama. i have decided that the mamama portion, is not in fact babble, but is her first word:)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Another video for me to wear out!! She is tooo cute. I love the way she scoots with all her might!! You are a lucky mamma to have a big girl with no pull ups and no midnight sheet changes. YEaH!!!